Friday, November 29, 2019

Vietnam How And Wh Did The Us Get Involved Essays - Vietnam War

Vietnam: How And Wh Did The Us Get Involved? Vietnam: How and Why the United States Got Involved The conflict in Vietnam which is also called the Ten Thousand-Day War was an ongoing battle from 1945 to 1975. In the 30 years of fighting, the United States would lose over 57,000 men while Vietnamese dead numbered two million (Maclear 2). The Vietnam War is very interesting because many people have wondered how and why the United States got involved in a war that really didn't seem to concern them. American involvement officially began in 1950 when the US government recognized the Bao Dai government and began sending the French aid to fight off the communist backed Viet Minh led by Ho Chi Minh (Scheer 10). The French lost the war because it was not fully committed to a ?win? policy (Scheer 10). The Bao Dai, anti-Communist nationalist alternative, whom the Truman and Eisenhower Administrations had backed, had failed to undercut the appeal of the Viet Minh (Scheer 11). The price of peace involved the surrendering of some portion of the country to the Communists, and the United States could not oppose since it had not become deeply involved (Scheer 12). The United States instead placed its hopes on a ?new anti-Communist nationalist alternative? and his name was Ngo Dinh Diem. Diem accepted the offer and on July 7, 1954 his government was formally organized. This started a new phase of U.S. involvement in Vietnam. Senator John F. Kennedy recommended, in order to prevent the further spread of communism in Southeast Asia, that the French grant independence to South Vietnam, support the government's army, and ?whenever necessary?[make] some commitment of our manpower? (Scheer 15). The settlement at Geneva in July, 1954, did three things: 1) it ended the war; 2) divided Vietnam in half ?temporarily?; and 3) called for peace and reunification of the country (Scheer 16). Diem's government believed in tight central control to divert the nationalist revolution from Communist objectives (Scheer 21). During the first year of the new government, Diem crushed all sources of opposition left over from the Viet Minh (Scheer 21). By 1959, in the North, the Viet Minh had written off the possibility of the elections that they were supposed to get and turned to military means. This ended the illusory stability of the Diem regime (Scheer 46). Diem was aware that his government could not survive without the massive aid from the United States so he based his whole appeal on anti-communism (Scheer 56). But then, with the ?Communist danger? the basis for assuring continued American aid, the ?secure? countryside suddenly was overrun with ?Communist terrorists? (Scheer 56). At the end of April 1960, eighteen Vietnamese nobles petitioned Diem to liberalize his regime. The petition said continual arrests had filled prisons to overflowing and asserted that a swollen Government bureaucracy was corrupt and inefficient (Scheer 59). In 1961 Edward Landsdale was sent to Vietnam to make an over-all study of the situation. He reported that the situation was near total collapse and that if the policies of the Diem government and its advisers continued to be pursued the country would soon be lost (Scheer 60). It was then decided to increase the Vietnamese Army from 150,000 to 250,000, which was a direct violation of the Geneva Accords, to concentrate its training on counter-insurgency (Scheer 62). The final incidents that led to the coup were a train of abuses, no single one of which was necessarily more important than any other, even though the dramatic Buddhist crisis is frequently cited as the final straw; it was one straw, a dramatic on. On November 1, the generals staged a coup and in the end Diem was killed (Trager 179). In the spring of 1961, the magazine press began to revise its picture of Diem's government (Scheer 66). Jerry Rose, who was an expert on Vietnam, accepted the containment policy after Diem's removal and supported the overriding necessity for stopping the spread of communism in Vietnam. He says: To sum up: one solution now for the U.S. appears to be a show of power in South Vietnam which would pave the way toward a compromising settlement. But is the risk of a power-play warranted? Southeast Asia has

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Life Cycle of Fleas

The Life Cycle of Fleas In order to control fleas effectively, you must understand the flea life cycle. Though there are several species of fleas that can infest your home, by far the most common species found on cats or dogs is the cat flea (Ctenocephalides felis), so well focus on cat fleas in this article. The Flea Life Cycle Fleas undergo complete metamorphosis with four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Environmental variables influence the length of each developmental stage. Fleas prefer a warm, humid environment, with temperatures ranging between 70 and 90 F and a relative humidity of 75 percent or more. Under ideal conditions, the cat flea life cycle takes just 18 days, from egg to adult. Adult fleas (both male and female) require a blood meal prior to mating. They prefer blood from your pet, but in the absence of a canine or feline host, fleas will bite people. Once mated, the female flea may deposit up to 50 eggs per day on your dog or cat. An adult flea typically lives for several months, so just a single flea can cause a significant infestation in a short amount of time. As your pet walks around your home, many of the flea eggs fall off. Cat flea eggs are tiny, measuring a mere 1/32 inch, so they can go unnoticed in your pets bedding, in carpets, or on upholstered furniture. Within 2 to 5 days, wormlike larvae emerge from the eggs. Lacking eyes and legs, you might think that flea larvae would have a tough time surviving in your carpet. But flea larvae do just fine hunkered down between the carpet fibers, where they feed on anything organic, from hair to adult flea excrement. The larvae feed and molt for 1 to 2 weeks, and then pupate within silken cocoons. The flea cocoon is often camouflaged with debris, including hair, skin particles, and carpet fibers. In a warm environment and with your cat or dog available for a blood meal, the adult may emerge in about a week. The new adult flea will jump on your pet when he passes by, and immediately begin feeding on his blood. Can Fleas Survive If My Pet Is Away? You might think you can beat a flea infestation by simply removing your pet from the home for a while. After all, no host, no parasite, right? But fleas are clever pests. A fully formed adult flea can sit tight inside its cocoon for a year, just waiting for a host animal to reappear. The fleas stay safely in their pupal cases until they sense vibrations that suggest an animal is moving nearby. Like many insects that feed on blood, they can also sense an increased presence of carbon dioxide, which signals that a host is in the area. So as soon as your dog or cat returns, the adult fleas will emerge and feast. And remember, theyll gladly feed on your blood if your pet is unavailable, so unless you are prepared to abandon your home for a year, you really must treat for fleas.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Should we celebrate or mourn the demise of architectural utopianism Essay

Should we celebrate or mourn the demise of architectural utopianism - Essay Example Tafuri and La Penta identify with the benefits of elimination of utopia particularly due the fact that architecture will be purified and devoid of worthlessness occasioned by utopia. The position of the authors is a celebration of elimination of utopia since there will be more contributions to wholesome and quality architecture. â€Å"It’s possible to argue over the appropriate terminology for this stuff. Some have floated Iconism, Neo-Modernism, and Bilbaoism. I prefer to call it Pseudomodernism, a modernism of concealment, a stylistic shell left after all the original social and moral ideas have been stripped out.†2 In the words of Hatherley, the architectural world ought to be saddened and grieved by the marked loss of vital content to design amid elimination of utopianism. The author laments of the emptiness of ideas that rather capture the society moral and social values in architectural style. Since antiquity, utopia has characterized art in almost every sphere, oral and verbal as well as literal and intellectual. A conglomeration of idealist design from various sectors of the human society for over two millennia now has replaced design with utopia. The description of something as utopian in ordinary language implies some level of impossibility. This is mainly because utopia is likened to unrealistic dream whose actualization remains remote. Over a considerable duration of time, utopian designs have been actualized due to desperation regarding urban space utilization. Calvino likens modern cities to actualized dreams that have evolved in the utopian perspective. The author labels the cities’ design as a fabrication of desires which usually gets accompaniment from unfounded fears. Imagination is the main power behind creativity in utopian designs, which has developed over time to constitute some form of an acceptable practice. Perhaps, the architectural fraternity o ught to make merry on the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Getting a New Business off the Ground Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Getting a New Business off the Ground - Essay Example Additionally, since there is a potential for product liability for Joan in the aviation parts industry, Joan is legally responsible for any damages her defective products may cause. As a sole proprietorship, she absorbs these responsibilities personally, which could pose a large problem should a case arise where she is blamed for her product’s malfunction. For tax purposes, the tax rate imposed on Joan’s business is determined by the personal income tax rate of the owner. So, the sole proprietor of a business does not pay taxes apart from, or separate from, the owner. As such, this tax benefit forms one advantage of operating the business as a sole proprietor (Mauro, 2004). 2. To protect her client from liabilities incurred by the business, Joan’s attorney might recommend a limited liability company (or LLC). The LLC model shields Joan from any blame incurred by the business. So, if some product she manufactures malfunctions on a plane, she cannot be held personally responsible for those who suffer from the malfunction; in that case, it is just the company that is financially and legally responsible for the error. Her attorney may also suggest a corporation, which is a legal entity with its own liabilities and privileges separate from those of its members. A corporation may make more sense than a limited liability company if Joan hopes to expand her business to a larger scale, and if she can persuade investors to help grow her base of business. Like a LLC, a corporation shields Joan from the company’s liabilities and debts (Moye, 2004). 3. Her attorney may suggest liability insurance, which is an insurance system that can protect Joan from the risks of liabilities imposed by lawsuits. If Joan’s company were to be accused of negligence or error in manufacturing its aviation parts and brought to court in a civil suit, Joan’s liability insurance would

Monday, November 18, 2019

Ethnic conflict Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Ethnic conflict - Essay Example Fractionalization and polarization are two specific channels of ethnic division that jointly influence social conflict. Polarization influences social conflict more when winners attain a public prize, for example, political power. On the other hand, when prizes are of a private nature, for example infrastructure, government subsidies, or looted resources, ethnic fractionalization is more influential to social conflict (Ganguly 13). The research paper will seek to use recent theoretical research to provide evidence that social conflict is influenced by pre-existing ethnic tension and differences. Ethnicity, by itself, does not cause violent social conflict with most ethnic groups pursuing similar interests peaceful most of the time, despite inter-ethnic differences. The main causes of ethnic conflict, Ganguly (43) portends, are based on the domestic and systemic level of analysis. The systemic approach contends that ethnic conflict is dependent on the nature of security systems that the different ethnic sides operate, as well as their concerns about their security. The first systemic prerequisite is that more than one group lives live in close proximity. The second one is that international, regional, and national authorities are unable to prevent fighting among the different ethnic groups, as well as assure individual ethnic groups of their security. If anarchy prevails in a specific system, it becomes essential for the groups to defend themselves, especially if none of them can absorb the other culturally, economically, or politically (Ganguly 44). Security concerns become a paramount distress when collective fears about the capability of the state to arbitrate between different ethnic groups. In this case, some of the involved groups mobilize and deploy military resources, as the other group seeks to diminish the first group’s security, with most groups unaware of their actions’ impact on

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Sin And Revenge: The Scarlet Letter Essay

Sin And Revenge: The Scarlet Letter Essay The Scarlet Letter, written by Nathaniel Hawthorne, contains many instances of characters sinning. From Hesters adultery to Mistress Hibbins witchcraft, sin is a major theme of the novel. Two main characters stick out when considering who sins the most in the novel: Arthur Dimmesdale and Roger Chillingworth. Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale is an idol in the community. Everyone loves him because he is a fine man and an intelligent reverend. But, the reverend does have issues he is hiding: Dimmesdale is Hesters secret lover and father of her child, pearl. On the other hand, Roger Chillingworth is an intelligent scholar who was Hesters original husband. Chillingworth stays behind when Hester travels to America, and when he arrives in America, he finds out that Hester had an affair. He is eager to figure out who her adulterer is and seeks revenge on that person. So the question remains: Who is the bigger sinner? On one hand, Dimmesdale is considered the bigger sinner. He commits a sin that is the biggest felony in the Puritan society: adultery, punishable by death. Not only does he commit the sin, he does not repent of it and keeps it hidden. Dimmesdale is a preacher who is supposed to be clean of all sin and very moral. He frequently preaches to his congregation about repentance and coming clean of secret sin even though he, himself, does not practice it. Dimmesdale is a hypocrite and he literally does not practice what he preaches. He is very aware of the fact that he is a hypocrite and instead of practicing what he preaches, Dimmesdale validates his behavior. In chapter eleven Dimmesdale tries to confess. Would not the people start up in their seats, by a simultaneous impulse, and tear him down out of the pulpit which he defiled? Not so, indeed! They heard it all, and did but reverence him the more. They little guessed what deadly purport lurked in those self-condemning words. The godly y outh! said they among themselves. The saint on earth! Even though he confesses, he was not detailed enough to be believed. The people keep thinking that he is a diving and morally sound person. In chapter fifteen, Hester Prynne weighs in on the situation of who is the bigger sinner. Be it sin or no, said Hester Prynne bitterly, as she still gazed after him, I hate the man! [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] Yes, I hate him! repeated Hester, more bitterly than before. He betrayed me! He has done me worse wrong than I did him! As seen in this passage, Hester thinks that Dimmesdales sin is the greatest of all the sins in the novel. Chillingworth also weighs in on the situation in chapter fourteen: What choice had you? asked Roger Chillingworth. My finger, pointed at this man, would have hurled him from his pulpit into a dungeon, -thence, peradventure, to the gallows! Here Chillingworth says that Hesters lover should be killed for what he did, implying that Dimmesdales sin was greater than his own. To s ome extent this is true but, Chillingworths own sins need to be taken into account. On the other hand, Chillingworth is considered to be the bigger sinner because of the quantity of sin, the importance of the sin and the amount of responsibility felt for the sin. In chapter seventeen Dimmesdale even states so. We are not, Hester, the worst sinners in the world. There is one worse than even the polluted priest! That old mans revenge has been blacker than my sin. He has violated, in cold blood, the sanctity of a human heart. Thou and I, Hester, never did so! Dimmesdale says that the revenge that Chillingworth gives him is blacker than his own sin. First of all, the number of times that Chillingworth sins outweigh all of the other characters sins combined. Chillingworth repeatedly attacks Dimmesdale with emotional and mental torment with his constant questioning and desire for revenge. As seen in chapter eleven, Chillingworth will stop at nothing for revenge. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦which led him to imagine a more intimate revenge than any mortal had ever wreaked upon an enemy. In this passage, Chillingworth formulate a kind of revenge that is more aggressive than any other human being has ever formulated. He sins again and again by giving Dimmesdale what is thought to be remedies for his aliments but are really diminishing his health. Chillingworth sins so much that later in the novel he achieves the status of the devil. Secondly, his sin is way more important and significant than that of other characters in the novel. On one hand, Hester Prynnes adultery is seen as means for death in the Puritan societys eyes. On the other hand, Chillingworths repeated attacks on Dimmesdale create the huge false impression of vivid evil. The severity of Chillingworths sin is also seen when he transforms from a physician to Dimmesdale into a devil. Thirdly, Chillingworth feels almost no remorse about his sin compared to the other characters. Dimmesdale and Hester both feel great remorse for their sin and the suffering from Dimmesdales sin outweighs suffering from his sin. On the other hand, Chillingworth displayed no remorse throughout the entire novel. For example, in chapter fourteen, we see no remorse whatsoever. What evil have I done the man? asked Roger Chillingworth again. Here, Chillingworth refuses to recognize his guilt in demolishing another persons soul. Both main characters in The Scarlet Letter have great amounts of sin and wrong doings. Dimmesdale is the bigger sin because he committed adultery which is a capital offence in the Puritan society. But, if not looking though Puritan eyes, Chillingworth is the bigger sinner because of the quantity of his sin, the importance of his sin and the amount of responsibility he felt for his sin. Dimmesdale concludes in chapter twenty-three: Thou [Chillingworth], too, hast deeply sinned. Dimmesdale is correct.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

802.11 standards :: essays research papers

Abbreviation of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, pronounced I-triple-E. Founded in 1884 as the AIEE, the IEEE was formed in 1963 when AIEE merged with IRE. IEEE is an organization composed of engineers, scientists, and students. The IEEE is best known for developing standards for the computer and electronics industry. In particular, the IEEE 802 standards for local-area networks are widely followed. Anyone that has worked with a computer on a network has at some point been exposed to the 802 standards. The 802 standards developed by the Institute of Electrical and Electonics Engineers for the primary use in the computer and electronics industry. The IEEE 802 standards for local area networks are widely followed. The IEEE only establishes the standard. The industry leaders in network technology have for the most part accepted these standards and develop their products to meet these standards. What are the pros and cons of developing to a set standard? The standards developed under the 802 title cover several aspects of networking technology. A short list of the standard and the area covered are: LAN/MAN Bridging & Management (802.1) Logical Link Control (802.2) Token Ring Access Method (802.5) Wireless LANs (802.11) Demand Priority Access Method (802.12) Wireless Personal Area Networks (802.15) Broadband Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks (802.16) Resilent Packet Rings (802.17) ( There has been volumes written on each of these standards. The one that most individuals have been exposed to is the 802.11(X) standard. This standard deals with the setup and use of a wireless local area network. This LAN for many is setup as a home network consisting of a high speed moden, wireless router and a pc/laptop with a wireless network interface card. Some of the more popular vendors for wireless NIC’s and routers are Netgear, D-link and Belkins. The size and shape of the hardware might be slightly different but they all conform to the 802.11 standard. Until recently most people didn’t pay much attention to the small â€Å"b† following the 802.11 (802.11b). Most non-engineers would buy the product, install the device and hoped that it worked. In today’s environment it may not be quite that easy. The type of NIC must match the router being used in terms of the 802.11( ) standard in use. These wireless products come in 802.11a, 802.11b and 802.11b/g. These suffix letters have a distinct meaning in the world of wireless. Knowing what they mean even at a novice level will be a time and money saver.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Addicted to Smartphones Essay

Have you ever experienced a sudden burst of laughter from someone beside you, and when you turn your head, that person is just watching his or her cell phone without realizing that he or she is in public and disturbs others? Have you ever paid attention to what people around you are doing when waiting for a bus, sitting in the subway, or even before a meal comes to the table? How many of them are holding a smartphone with eyes focused on the screen and fingertips busy dancing back and forth on the touch panel, and never get bored? With the development of 3G and wireless technology, cell phones are no longer restricted to simple communications such as calling or texting. After the appearance of smartphones, things like surfing the Internet, socializing, taking photos or even FaceTime can be done instantly in your hand. See more: My Writing Process Essay Smartphones are becoming parts of many people’s lives. These days, a new phenomenon named â€Å"smartphone addiction† has emerged. In fact, recently in China, the spread of smartphones has attracted more and more young people into the world of virtual Internet at the expense of their interaction with real world relationships; it has also aroused heated discussions on whether or not we should take some actions on limiting this tendency. As a matter of fact, even though smartphones have created a more convenient life and have also changed our way of communication in a digital era, the improper use of smartphones is problematic in our daily lives, and the public should be aware of this. It is necessary for the Chinese to pay serious attention to the excessive dependence on smartphones, and try to lessen the negative influence of smartphones in our daily interpersonal relationships. Before talking about the impacts, we have to take a look at the smartphone market in China. According to the new figures from International Data Corporation, IDC’s worldwide quarterly mobile phone tracker, China’s share of the global smartphone market will rise to 20.7%, up from 18.2% in 2011 (Moscaritolo). Wong Teck Zhung, the senior market analyst with IDC’s Asia/ Pacific client devices team, stated that â€Å"[Chinese] smartphone shipments [were] expected to take a slim lead over the U.S. in 2012[, and there would] be no turning back this leadership changeover† (qtd. in Moscaritolo). This change in leadership means that China will become the leading country-level market for smartphones. Moreover, China even â€Å"overtook the UK and became the second largest country in application downloads. A quarter of ‘Angry Birds’ global downloads lies in China. In 2011, 613,445 applications were available in China, 74% of which were free versus 25% globally† (â€Å"China at your fingertips†). By the end of the second quarter of 2012, smartphone users in China have hit 290 million, while among them, 59% lies in the age group 18-34 (â€Å"Q2 2012†), as indicated from the report released by Iimedia which is the largest telecom and wireless consulting institution in China. Therefore, young people have become major smartphone customers. In terms of the way people communicating, the smartphone revolution constitutes a second major milestone after the Internet. The report from Iimedia shows that by the end of this June, the amount of China mobile Internet users has topped 388 million (â€Å"Q2 2012†). For the first time in Chinese history, mobile Internet users have gone beyond PC netizens, and turn into the biggest Internet terminal. Since China has become the world’s largest country of smartphone consumption, Chinese are engaging more than ever with electronic media which is represented by smartphones. It is worth taking a closer look to see how dependent Chinese people are upon their smartphones through some data from a film clip done by GroupM Interaction which is the global leading media investment management group: More than 500 Chinese magazines have more digital downloads than traditional circulation. Single-day mobile transactions on Taobao during its â€Å"12.12† promotion topped RMB 200 million, while 1 in 5 Taobao users accesses the site via mobile. 2011 mobile e-commerce in China reached RMB 11.5 billion. Westerners pray before eating, while 67% of Chinese take photos and post them on-line. Smartphone users check their mobile phones every 6 minutes. 38% of smartphone users spend more than 5 hours a day on their phone. Mobile is the new cigarette. 92% of youth use their mobile phones on the toilet. Each day over 1,000 people start a new romantic relationship via their mobile phones. (â€Å"China at your fingertips†) Based on the information above, it is not difficult to see that many people have become too engaged with smartphones. As a result, this heavy engagement has led to the unique dependence on smartphones and, consequently, causes Chinese people’s addiction to them. A new study from the University of Maryland asked 200 students to undertake a 24-hour media-free assignment including their smartphones, and the conclusion found â€Å"that most college students [were] not just unwilling, but functionally unable to be without their media links to the world† (â€Å"Students Addicted to Social Media†). Here is what the project director Susan D. Moeller, a journalism professor at the University of Maryland and the director of the International Center for Media and the Public Agenda which conducted the study, notes: We were surprised by how many students admitted that they were â€Å"incredibly addicted† to media†¦ The students did complain about how boring it was [to] go anywhere and do anything without being plugged into music on their MP3 players, [b]ut what they spoke about in the strongest terms was how their lack of access to text messaging, phone calling, instant messaging, email and Facebook, meant that they couldn’t connect with friends who lived close by, much less those far away (qtd. In â€Å"Students Addicted to Social Media†). After 24 hours abstinence, the students’ responses show â€Å"that students’ lives are wired together in such ways that opting out of that communication pattern would be tantamount to renouncing a social life† (â€Å"Students Addicted to Social Media†). Many students did not even realize how much their cell phones had meant to them. In a British study, 36% of the students claimed that they cannot be separated from their cell phones (Ji). Medical authorities are even considering â€Å"whether to designate Internet addiction as a disease in the upcoming fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders† (Shelton). In fact, not just the U.S, China is under the same situation of this marvelous smartphone addiction. A research done by a multinational market research company, Synovateon, observed 8, ;[lm000 people from all over 11 countries, and found out that people from China and Singapore had the most obvious smartphone-obsessed symptoms (Ji). Due to the fact that almost everyone around is suffering the same condition more or less, many people in China do not consider this addiction as a severe problem. However, smartphone addiction does become influential in our daily life and affect people’s interpersonal relationship subconsciously. These days, plenty of people interrupt social conversations to check messages on their mobile devices. More and more Chinese like to take out their cell phones while gathering with friends. Looking at cell phones from time to time has become a major habit for many people in China. Barry S. Fagin, a professor of computer science, once declared that â€Å"the Internet has a strong potential to adversely affect social relationships† (Fagin). With today’s rapid growth of smartphones and wireless technology, Barry’s opinion cannot be more proper. Recently, Mr. Zhang, a citizen from Tsingtao, together with his brother went to visit their grandfather. While the old man tried to talk many times at the table, the children in front were all concentrating on their smartphones until he broke a plate with a long face, and asked them to go eat with their cell phones (Ji). More unfortunately, this case is not singular. People have entertaining conversations with strangers online via smartphones, whereas being mean to daily face-to-face talks. Chinese people are easily giving up their real life affection because of a little smartphone. I have heard my friend saying that let Siri be your friend, but then, what about your real friends? Even so, some may still argue that just like the Internet, smartphones have brought the whole world even closer and have made it possible for instant communication. With nowadays boom in technology, with smartphones and our access to the Internet being so easy, the possibility of information access from anywhere at any time means that distance might not be so important and obvious like it was. As an international student studying abroad, FaceTime does allow me to contact my family and friends over the Pacific wherever I want as long as we are both awake and have an iPhone in hand. The appearance of smartphones might seem to have reduced the distance between people. Nevertheless, it is not totally true. Studies have shown that â€Å"most people still keep in touch with their personal group of friends and social network in the real life via the Internet and phones† (Ji). A man in the U.S. will not be attracted by any Chinese home pages on Facebook, while a Chinese, in most cases, is not interested in reading in English as well. There is not too much for smartphones to contribute in bringing the world closer for many people. Instead, they make the distance even further, not physically, but mentally. Just like an online rearrangement of a proverb goes, â€Å"the furthest distance in the world is not between life and death, but when I stand in front of you, yet you are playing with your cell phone† (qtd. in Ji). In the research conducted by the University of Maryland, a student wrote: â€Å"Texting and IM-ing my friends gives me a constant feeling of comfort. When I did not have those two luxuries, I felt quite alone and secluded from my life. Although I go to school with thousands of students, the fact that I was not able to communicate with anyone via technology was almost unbearable†(â€Å"Students Addicted to Social Media†). This information is dangerous. Getting used to smartphones makes people even more lonely and isolated from the real world. People, especially the young generation tends to focus too much on their smartphones, which is partly a result of their fear of self-loneliness and the lack of the ability of being alone. If things continue in this way, people are losing the ability of daily interpersonal communicating. A study done by Stanford University shown that â€Å"every other hour people spend in front of their computers, they would cut at least 30 minutes’ face-to-face communications† (Ji), and the same happens to smartphones. This fact has made researchers worried about â€Å"the neural circuit which controls people’s ability of face-to-face communication will degenerate, thus decreasing the neurotransmitters in the brain and even losing the whole function of this part† (Ji). With time goes on, human will lose the ability of identifying the hidden meaning behind a certain expression or language from others, which we achieved from a long time evolution. If this worry ever came true, it would be the biggest tragedy in the digital era. So, after talking all above, what can be done to eliminate this addiction and help the Chinese to find better ways for using their smartphones? Experts suggested that people should take some mandatory measures (â€Å"Experts†). A game played by my friends might be able to provide some good advice. Every time hanging out for meals, we will put all of our phones in the center of the table, and whoever is the first one to reach his or her cell phone during the meal is going to pay for everyone. Besides, sports and outdoor exercises will also help. People, especially in China where they normally stay indoors with nice air-conditioning and comfortable equipment, should open themselves to more outdoor activities. When doing something outdoor, being enveloped under the bright sunshine, sweating a little bit, and completely enjoying yourself, you will find no reason to keep addicted to your smartphones. Compared to the beauty of nature, nothing really matters. There is nothing wrong with falling in love with your smartphones. However, the Chinese have to realize the effect this love may bring on to them. The improper use of smartphones not only has negative influence on themselves in real life relationships, but it is also not respectful to others. In the modern world, of course we cannot live without smartphones, but we can do something more fun. Find what you like instead of smartphones, go for it, and enjoy yourself. Smartphones are just tools, not our complete life. Do not let them take over all our joy of life. Works Cited China at your fingertips. Dir. Tony Chen. Prod. Bessie Lee. GroupM Interaction, 2012. Film Clip. â€Å"Experts teach you how to get rid of your cell phone addiction†. Medpharm & Health 9 (2012): 5-5. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. Fagin, Barry S. â€Å"The Internet Makes Distance Matter Less for Good and Ill†. The Internet. Ed. Gary Wiener. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2010. 22-28. Print. Ji, Guoliang. â€Å"The Furthest Distance in the World†. City National Newspaper 15 Oct. 2012. Web. 13. Nov. 2012. Moscaritolo, Angela. â€Å"China to Overtake U.S. as Top Smartphone Market in 2012†. PC Magazine Mar 2012: 1-1. Academic Search Complete. Web. 20 Nov. 2012. â€Å"Q2 2012 Chinese Smartphone Market Monitoring Report†. Iimedia (2012): n.pag. Web. 20 Nov. 2012. Shelton, Jim. â€Å"Hi, I’m (insert name here), and I’m a Facebook addict†. New Haven Register 10 Mar. 2012. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. â€Å"Students Addicted to Social Media- New UM Study†. University of Maryland Newsdesk 21 Apr. 2010. Web. 19 Nov. 2012.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Intelligence and Creativity Guarantee Nothing †Philosophy Essay

Intelligence and Creativity Guarantee Nothing – Philosophy Essay Free Online Research Papers Intelligence and Creativity Guarantee Nothing Philosophy Essay One of the realities of human society is that crude intelligence and creativity do not guarantee success. On the other hand, persistence on a certain matter does, as the long fight of women’s rights activists demonstrates. In addition, continuous effort to better one’s self is crucial, as the experience of talented authors like Jane Austen, whose works are products of revising and polishing, show. First of all, the prolonged plight of women’s rights activists clearly suggests that, in order to achieve success, one requires primarily insistence and patience. The cause benefited from the assistance of many intelligent and sophisticated women, but no insightful newspaper article or well-crafted slogan could bring about such a groundbreaking change in society. Conversely, progress was made over time, as the public opinion needed to be re-educated, to be taught to put their entrenched prejudices to the test of reason. Therefore, it was not the spark of genius that the cause needed, but persistence. Or, as Thomas Edison puts it, 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration. Another example of the need for effort to polish talent, much like an uncut diamond requires a lot of attention to show its full brilliance, is the renowned writer Jane Austen. A variant of her most famous novel, â€Å"Sense and Sensibility†, was given to editors in 1797. But the then â€Å"First Impressions† was not commendable/satisfactory yet, and Jane Austen knew it, so that the universal rejection did not surprise her. However, the writer came back to her novel in 1811, and the revised â€Å"Sense and Sensibility† was now good enough to become a favorite. Consequently, even if the dedication of suffragettes and the talent of a great author like Jane Austen is undisputed, success is not certain. It can be concluded that success does indeed require a spark of genius, but the massive contribution of effort is undisputed. Research Papers on Intelligence and Creativity Guarantee Nothing - Philosophy EssayThe Fifth HorsemanResearch Process Part OnePETSTEL analysis of IndiaHip-Hop is ArtWhere Wild and West MeetMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesRelationship between Media Coverage and Social and

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

John Locke

John Locke John Locke Reading through John Lockes Second Treatise, The Declaration of Independence, Martin Luther King Letter from Birmingham Jail, Karl Marx The Communist Manifesto, E Fromms Escape from Freedom, Thomas Mores Utopia, Henry David Thoreaus Walden there comes an almost universal viewpoint that the nature has its state and then there is the law of nature. The state of nature is in discord with the law of nature. The law of nature comes out as the closest approximation of the ideal world that we should all live in and which all these writers seem to push for in their struggles whether as pastor, as in Martin Luther or as a writer as in Thoreau. The state of nature is different. It is what it is as we see it. There is social injustice about and men of convictions can only but rise up and fight to restore the world to its law of nature. According to Fromm, although man is born a freak of nature, he has to find principles to replace instincts, and control it as per his wishes. He has to try and overcome all conditions that are negative like death, starvation, disease etc through his action and decision. Like the rest, he sees that humanitys true nature is freedom. Martin Luther King sees lots of double standards and superficiality when he looks at issues from the state of nature perspective. The state of nature in his time is that there is a sweltering injustice against the people of colour but this is happening in society where Christianity is the main religion. Rather than Christianity, the clergy railing about this injustice, they look the other way. They do not want to confront the real issue probably for fear of being associated with violence. But Martin Luther opposes this kind of religious bastardisation when he seeks through non violence movement to demonstrate that religion must be concrete, at the service of man according to the law of nature. It should press for equality and justice for Gods children because that is what the law of nature is. The current state where people are segregated, and wallow in injustice does not represent the law of nature but the state of nature. To him, there is a yawning gap between the state of nature a nd the law of nature as per the conditions. When he tries through non-violent struggles; he is trying to bring the law of nature into concretization. The true nature is when freedom is had. Similarly, Thoreau, through his staying in the pond experiences nature in its true self, the law of nature. He escapes the state of nature where there is rigid and an economic system so exploitative. The state of nature is enslaving instead of freeing us. Its civilization does not make us better people but instead it enslaves and degrades us. His escape to the pond is a desire to live as per the law of nature. Karl Marx also espouses the same view that human existence is haunted by a spectre of exploitation, internecine class struggles but each time there is the majority suffering and a few enjoying. The majority proletariat and the minority, who own the property and the means of societys production the bourgeois class subjects the rest of humanity to sub human conditions. Even the family is like that, so materialistic and intended for exploitation and not succor. That is the state of nature-quite convoluted. The proposal of the Communism manifesto is thus a sentimental wish to retur n to life as per the law of nature-where resources are to be used for the common good. No private property, no exploitation, no classes and no struggles. That will be the nature according to law of God. In all the writings, the issue of God comes out as one who stands where justice is. In Martin Luthers case, God is not the religion but where there is justice and fairness, God is the supreme good. We see that God can be fought for, if need be. Thomas More through his writings and activities appears so harsh to those who have a dim view of God, that even he is accused of have taken part in the persecution of the heretics. The idea of God as conceptualized by Erich Fromm is no different. He sees God as the ultimate being, that all temporal lifestyles should reflect respect for God. In Mores utopia, that there is no place for Atheists suggests that absence of God is unacceptable. He must be there, everywhere. The idea of natural rights comes out clearly in Karl Marxs works just as in Lockes and Thoreaus works as well as in Fromms.All people have a right to personal freedom that is so majestic, real and liberating than the freedom offered by governments. Waldens escape to the pond where he lives in freedom and Mores Utopian portrayal reflects that men are in bondage and their wish is to live in freedom some day where the natural rights apply. Locke sees that written law should be positive and this can only be through a legitimate democratic set up. That this should not necessarily be the law to control us but that we should be ready to control ourselves with laws that are human but not necessarily written seems to be the suggestion of Fromm. The idea of social contract comes out in mixed shades from the various writers. Locke sees constitutions in a democracy as social contracts between the governed and the institutions in place to govern them. When people in subordinate themselves into social contract, the cede some of their personal freedoms for greater good. Some of the individuals natural rights are ceded in the fulfillment of social contract. The civil state is beholden to the people and is charged to the protection of property and civil liberties. The civil state should also have power over the people. In Lockes civil state, the natural rights form the basis of laws. But it can be overthrown if it ceases to serve the people. Martin Luther seems to present a related argument when he urges civil disobedience for the people of colour to protest an unjust law and government that does not protect all. Even if legitimate, it can be opposed by all means so that it stops its excesses. Henry Thoreau also concurs that higher laws take precedence over human laws. It is human to treat some people with indifference and unjustly but higher laws demand that all be treated equally. It thus in a way seems to suggest that what is human is moral and should be upheld at all costs. The civil state should serve the interest of the people who have willingly instituted it. The individual on his part has his natural rights but also has his social obligations. The individual may not necessarily act always according to the natural rights but will have to insubordinate themselves to society. Acting according to individual right and in pursuit of natural law might lead to coalition with the civil authorities at times as we see in Walden. Fromm argues that truly, each person is a unique individual, separate from the rest, but that does not make one to live individualistic life but they should overcome their separatedness, and join the rest. One would only be schizophrenic if they just lived in the world according to their own thoughts, feelings and needs. Thoreau however affirms that society and its laws oppress the individual. The idea of community is extensively explored in Karl Marxs work. The society should ideally live a communist lifestyle where all are equal and no one has claim to private property. On communistic set up only brings conflicts and bleeds resentment from the vast marginalized sections of society. The end result will be a revolution where the oppressed will seek to restore communism. When Martin Luther King claims that it will be great that day even the whites will support the people of colour to fight unjust laws suggests that a community is important in enforcing a natural law. Fromm suggests that we have to try and overcome our awareness of our separateness by trying to come closer to each other in what he calls need for relatedness. This is his thesis that men should live as a community. But Waldens escape to the pond shows a community can even be found in the nature and one can just be as happy within it. Failure to overcome our separateness and join others according to Fromm is in fantile narcissm which is a trait that cannot support a communal existence. There is a way in which the idea of common good is looked at by the various writers.Locke, Fromm, Karl Marx, and Martin Luther openly affirm the idea of the common good. That everything should be for the common good including laws, religion, and production systems. In Martin Luthers case, Christianity seems not to be for the common good as it is in his society, what with double standards and convoluted interpretations of the gospel by whites? In Karl Marxs case, the social and economic set up should be violently altered to suit all or for the common good. The bourgeois only exploit the proletariat and by the former hoarding wealth, they use it selfishly while it should be for common good. This is the sentimental state More would like to see in Utopia where everything including land is used for common good. By suggesting personal wandering in the Pond, Thoreau seems to be suggesting the need for one to escape to a world without fetters where they will live richly. The idea of the majority unfortunately ending up overriding the minority is expressed variously. Locke affirms that the majority take sway over minority in politics. Mores utopian existence shows everything should be used for the utility of the majority and not for the individual. But as Thoreau shows, the majority can be oppressive to the individual. Society is seen as a conspiracy against manhood. In Mores work, Karl Marxs work and John Lockes work, property is to be used for all. Karl Marx sees that property should not be held by individuals but by all. Mores Utopia affirms this to be the ideal society as property will benefit all. Thoreau sees that no good life can come out of a life where one is working for others, for perpetuation of private property. The issue of freedom is explored at length. Martin Luther sees freedom as the acme of humanity, justice should be there for all and the quest for it has never been easy with those seeking for it ending up being branded extremists. For More, there can never be freedom which allows people to denounce God.For Fromm, freedom should be backed by reason and buttressed by morality. The modern world seems to allow unconventional freedoms. One cannot claim freedom when they are breaking moral laws. For Karl Marx, freedom will be had with the removal of the unjust system that exploits the working class. Money is also viewed as the cause of exploitation of others especially by Karl Marx. Wealth should be for all including money. In martin Luther King, the idea of protest by not buying from all malls suggests that his views are that money should be used to pursue justice and should be morally used. Putting your money to the oppressor only allows him wield more power to exploit you. Thoreau sees money may not be the ultimate requirement to buy happiness but happiness can be got in simple life forms. Fromm asserts that money should never be hoarded, just like all other wealth forms although the modern world seems to gravitate towards that.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Econ paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Econ paper - Essay Example The key reason behind rising student debt is that in the peaceful era, prior to the Great Recession, millions of youthful Americans secured loans to go through university, just to graduate in an economy that did not really need workers any longer. The graduates are thus finding it more difficult to repay their loans than they probably had anticipated (Lankford, 67). Forgiving the student debt would result in an immediate effect on the economy. Responsible individuals who devoted themselves to pursing a university education would have more extra dollars every month to use and this would fuel the economy presently. The extra dollars being pumped into the economy would result to a multiplying outcome, unlike most of the provisions of the latest incentive package. Consequently, there will be an increase in tax revenue, the credit markets will be active and there will be creation of jobs. Consumers spending accounts for more than two thirds of the whole US economy and in the current months, there has been a decrease in consumer spending at an alarming and extraordinary rate. Thus, it is reasonable to argue that the quickest manner of reviving the ailing economy is to act drastically to get consumers to spend (Lankford, 68). This proposal would rapidly regenerate the housing market, travel and tourism industry, the automobile industry, durable goods and other numerous sectors of the economy. This is because the individuals who maintain those sectors will have a lot of extra dollars to spend per month. The motivating factor in the economy today is fear. Unless the individuals in the middle class feel comfortable enough that they will have their health insurance, jobs and additional money to use not just the following month, but the month following that, the economy cannot and will not indeed grow fast enough to avoid the bleeding (Lankford, 69). According to analysts, the student debt loan has a broad economic impact. In a report that was published

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Why is hunting Dove so special Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Why is hunting Dove so special - Research Paper Example Rather, dove hunting is a harmless and unique sporting activity which if supported, would eventually culminate into infinite advantages, to the participants, the public, the government and even to the birds that are being hunted. Dove hunting has been associated with a number of issues and myths. Of late is sharply on the decrease (Decker, Enck, & Brown, 22). A number of states are against dove hunting and other states which have allowed it has got lots of restrictions on it. Dove hunting has got lots of problems in various states like Iowa and others which practice it. Firstly, dove hunting has been made to be very expensive in terms of money which is used for buying hunting license. It has also been pointed that dove hunting has little economic value which may not support the entire estate when relied on fully. Dove hunting has also been alleged that the dove species when they are decreasing in number, dove population relies on some factors which include natural conditions like extreme weather conditions, predators and predators. All these factors causes decrease in population which may affects dove species. Hunting may also affects the behavior of doves generally. When hunting becomes too much, doves may tend to migrate to places with extreme weather conditions which may expose them to diseases. There are some home steeds where the doves always migrate to when hunting and some natural conditions are severe, these places provides shelters to the doves during rainy seasons but are also very dangerous places for the doves. There are also some predators which are also in those home steeds like dogs which may in turn feed on the doves decreasing their number which also affects the species of the doves Severe restrictions on dove hunting or complete prohibition of the activity have often been justified on the grounds that dove hunting is a threat to the birds , in the sense that it would reduce the number of doves. However, it should be